- Citizen / Business Friendly Government
- Open / Transparent Government
- Managed Residential Growth
- Diversified Tax Base (more businesses)
- Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Review / Rewrite
- Responsible Planning / Spending
- Representation for ALL County Residents
Citizen / Business Friendly Government
This starts at the top. In the past we have heard at least one commissioner state “If you don’t like the tax rate, leave.” Or “if you think you can write a better budget, run for one of these seats.
Our citizens and businesses are the customers of county government, county government should treat them equally, and with respect. We need to cultivate a service oriented attitude, from the top down.
Businesses are the key to maintaining a stable tax base. Too often I have heard nightmare stories of businesses attempting to locate or expand here only to be faced with insurmountable hurdles, and finally going elsewhere. We need a business “ombudsman” or “public advocate” to help new & existing businesses. This position would have formerly been known as the “Economic Development” directory – a position which was eliminated by the Board of Commissioners.
No more vindictive behavior toward citizens and businesses who exercise their constitutional right to redress their grievances toward County Government.
Open / Transparent Government
“We the people” have an expectation that the public’s business will be held in public, not behind closed doors. I am deeply invested in this belief.
In 2007/2008, I filed a civil suit against the Currituck County Board of Commissioners and County Manager, seeking relief for their violation of the NC Public Meeting Laws on two counts. I won, with Superior Court Judge Richard J Parker issuing a declarative judgement, that going forward the Currituck Board of Commissioners shall conduct all meetings per NC Public Meetings Law, any further violations could result in the Board being found in criminal contempt of Judge Parker’s court order. (https://www.curritucknow.com/2008/02/27/currituck-board-violates-open-meetings-law/)
Encourage Citizen Involvement
The solution to many of the following problems can be found in the expertise of our residents, either those actively employed AND those who have retired. Far too often we spend a tremendous amount of money, hiring “consulting firms” to perform studies and then those studies are shelved.
We need to tap the expertise of our residents in resolving some of these issues.
Managed Residential Growth
- Proper planning and carefully planned re-zonings;
- No more rezoning of Ag (Agriculture – low density) to SFM, MXR or higher densities, until policies are in place regarding: minimum lot size; open space dedication; commercial space dedication; and low impact phasing of developments.
- Propose an immediate moratorium on new developments, pending a review and rewrite of the Unified Development Ordinance; as well as a review of required physical infrastructure. This would not affect developments which have already been approved. This would affect developments which have not received Conditional / Special Use Permits.
Diversified Tax Base (more businesses)
- Farms / Farming contributes significantly to maintaining our “open space” and “rural character” – Investigate strategies to encourage maintinging large farms, as well as establishing / cultivating small niche farms;
- Revive / reconstitute the Economic Development Advisory board with a very specific tasking from the Board of Commissioners
- Utilize existing data sources to identify existing businesses in our community – this does not require establishment of a “business license”.
- Utilize existing data sources to identify where we are losing money in our local economy to outside economies (“leakage”)
- Re-establish & Recruit an Economic Development Director, tasked to assist the Economic Development Advisory board in their tasks as well as begin contacting needed businesses (Grocers, Pharmacies, Health Care, etc)
- Economic Development Advisory board review of county ordinances which could be “business unfriendly”.
Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Review
Research / Review / Revise such items as:
- affect of increased Minimum Lot sizes;
- historic affect of “density bonuses” used by developers;
- open space requirements scaled on size of subdivision (acreage / lots)
- requiring dedication of commercial space in subdivisions, based on size of subdivision (acreage / lots)
- phasing in subdivisions to manage the number of lots coming online per year / per subdivision
All of the above items are tools to “Manage Residential Growth” and diversify businesses.
Responsible Planning & Spending
- Review / Rewrite Unified Development Ordinance
- Review / rewrite County Planning Policies / Procedures
- Review county budget ( county and schools ) to determine unnecessary / ineffective spending
- Establish a 5 year, 10 year, and 20 year plan – be PROACTIVE
- Review Travel and Tourism budget, and measure ROI on advertising/promotional spending
Representation for ALL County Residents
- Voices of concern / dissent should be heard, not silenced
- Create a list of concerns / issues by region and prioritize based on impact to:
* Impact on County Tax Rate / Tax Base
* Public Safety / Public Health
* Quality of Life