We CAN do better than what we’ve had for the last 13 years!
Common Sense / Transparent Government
My name is John Snowden, I am collecting signatures to run as a petition / Unaffiliated (Independent) candidate in the November 2024 General Election for the District 4 Board of Commissioners seat (currently held by Paul Beaumont) against the winner of the Republican primary.
I’ve been mailing out petition packages to voters throughout our county.
Each package has my intro letter, a petition prefilled for the voters in your household, and a stamped return envelope.
Be on the look out in your PO Box or at your delivery address. I mail about 60 to 100 of these daily.
If you have not received a letter yet, PM or text me (252-267-3332) or email me: snowden4currituck@gmail.com and I will expedite one in your direction.
After certification of the required signatures (approx 1100) I will be on the ballot running against the winner of the Republican Primary for the District 4 Board of Commissioners seat.
More information can be found on my website: http://www.snowden4Currituck.com